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1/9/24 6:40 pm

橙子影院’s Camp Lejeune campus will operate on a two hour delay on Wednesday, Jan. 10.听 Classes will not be impacted.

All other campuses are expected to resume a normal schedule for operations and classes on Wednesday, Jan. 10.

Main campus
(including Health Sciences campus)

Operating under a normal schedule.

Camp Lejeune campus

Operating on a 2 hour delay

Fort Liberty & Pope campus

Operating under a normal schedule.

Raleigh campus (AOE)

Operating under a normal schedule.

Raleigh campus (Law School)

Operating under a normal schedule.

Online classes

Operating under a normal schedule.

Location Status


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Campus Operations


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Library Hours

Visit the听 for a full list of modified hours of operation and guidelines. Access all Campbell libraries听for updated information.

Student Union

Visit the Student Union homepage to view current hours of operation.听