Jones Hall

Exterior of Jones Hall

Jones Hall has three floors and is located in the middle of campus with easy access to dining halls and academic buildings. Jones is a traditional corridor-style building where two rooms share a bath. Free, communal laundry is available.

Jones Hall residents include a group of students who are part of the Honors Program Residential Learning Community (RLC), which provides students who are upperclassmen enrolled in the Honors Program an opportunity to live together in a small tight-knit community.

  • Number of Floors: 3
  • Gender: Upperclassmen Female and Male
  • Room Arrangement: Hall
  • Number of Lounges: 4
  • Air Conditioned: Yes
  • Network Access in Rooms: Yes
  • Community Kitchen: No
  • Laundry Facilities: Yes
  • Rec/Game Room: No
  • Bathroom Style: Couplet
  • Telephone Service: No

Take A Look Inside

Important Details

NOTE: This address is for insurance and other physical information. Buies Creek does not have mail delivery to buildings, so packages and mail cannot be delivered to these addresses.

170 Day Dorm Road
Lillington, NC 27546

Learn More

Jones Hall residents include a group of students who are part of the Honors Program Residential Learning Community (RLC), which provides students who are enrolled in the Honors Program an opportunity to live together in a small tight-knit community.

Housing CostsWhat to BringFurnishingsRoommates