³È×ÓÓ°Ôº has several faculty-driven committees. Below you will see brief descriptions of each committee. . for complete details about each committee including current committee members.
List of Committees
The Assessment Committee will provide guidance, oversight, and feedback in developing, renovating, and administering assessment plans.
The committee serves as the hearing board for student appeals on issues involving academic misconduct.
The functions of the Athletics Committee are: to serve as an advisory board for the Director of Athletics; to review policies, practices, and other matters affecting athletics; to make recommendations relating to the programs and participation in intercollegiate activities; to encourage an ongoing, viable athletic program consistent with the stated purpose and philosophy of the University; and to cooperate with the Athletic Director in performing those duties related to athletics.
The ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº Behavioral Intervention Team (CUBIT) provides a coordinated process for identifying and responding to students who may be at risk of harming themselves or others, or who may reasonably pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community.
The functions of this Committee are to sponsor events on campus that will: enrich the lives of the students, faculty, and staff; contribute to the educational experience of students; and provide aesthetic experiences for residents in the greater Buies Creek community and the University family.
The role of the Deans’ Council is to assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost as needed in handling contractual appeals, sabbatical leave requests, and other administrative or academic related matters as specified in the Faculty Handbook or as requested by the Provost or a Dean.
This committee serves as an appeal board or hearing board for incidents of misconduct involving violations of local, state and federal law. It may also hear violations of institutional policy and incidents requiring a high degree of confidentiality in order to protect the names of students involved. It may impose sanctions ranging from a reprimand to university expulsion. Decisions made by this committee may be appealed to the Executive Appeals Committee.
The Faculty Development Committee advises the administration with respect to faculty development needs within the University. The Committee also manages internal grants related to faculty development as well as faculty awards related to teaching. The Committee meets frequently in fall and spring.
The Faculty Evaluation Committee reviews methods of evaluation to improve the University’s assessment methods for quality control and professional development of the faculty.
The Faculty Research Committee advises the administration with respect to faculty research needs within the University. The Committee also manages internal grants related to faculty research as well as faculty awards related to research. The Committee meets frequently in fall and spring.
The committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice President for Student Life and the Inter-Greek Council in the ongoing development and support of undergraduate Fraternal Organizations.
This Committee is charged with biennial review of the General College Curriculum in all its aspects.
The committee’s function is to support the Dean of Global Engagement in many functions, representation of various disciplines, selection of proposals for faculty-led program, and selection of student applications and scholarships.
The Grievance Committee is to assure fairness and consistency in faculty relations, and to resolve complaints internally within the University in a fair, effective, and timely manner.
Healthy Camels is committed to empowering ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº employees, through on-campus opportunities and education, to make choices for a healthier mind, body and spirit.
This Committee administers the Honors Program within the College of Arts and Sciences, to include selection of students and participating faculty.
The ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC) is a collaborative group of academic and administrative stakeholders who take input from their constituencies and make prioritized recommendations regarding IT strategy, investment, and services for the benefit of the Campbell community, in alignment with the University’s strategic plan.
The Primary objectives of the IT Advisory Council are to:
- Provide insight and guidance on the development and implementation of information technology-related policies and procedures
- Facilitate communication and information-sharing regarding the use of information technology across the University’s academic and administrative units
- Evaluate campus-wide technology opportunities and advocate for investment in the highest priority projects with a unified voice.
- Work in close coordination with IT partners to deliver the highest quality implementation of technology solutions and services to meet the University’s mission and strategic plans.
The responsibility of the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) is to ensure responsible and humane animal use in research, research training, experimentation, biological testing, and related activities.
- Insure that all recombinant DNA research activities at the University comply with the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health Guidelines, and the North Carolina State Department of Health.
- Ensure that protocols of all research at the University which uses or produces biohazardous organisms are reviewed and found to protect personnel, environmental, and public safety.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº is concerned with the ethical treatment of humans when they are involved as participants in research. The committee’s primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. All potential research involving human participants must be reviewed by the IRB.
This committee will support all aspects of the international student experience, from academic success and regulatory matters, to personal wellbeing, integration in and acclimation to the campus and community.
This Committee will determine the immediate health and safety needs for the campus, develop policies and procedures, provide training as needed, oversee such functions as chemical hygiene, radiation safety, and general laboratory safety.
The Library Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Director of Library Services and as a liaison between the and its constituents, particularly the faculty and student body.
This Committee assists in developing and maintaining the long-range master facilities plan of the University.
The Multi-Cultural Council will:
- Encourage and facilitate unity and acceptance among the diverse student population.
- Raise the level of racial awareness and serve as a resource for University officials or issues relating to diversity.
- Plan and coordinate special activities that promote campus unity and celebrate ethnic diversity.
This Committee nominates the membership of each of the Faculty and Staff Committees.
The role of the Provost’s Council is to assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost in formulating and administering sound academic policies. The Council periodically reviews the academic policies of the University under the guidance of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost.
The Committee’s function is to review the adequacy, quality, and security of student records in the University’s well as to project the academic and campus activity calendar.
The Committee supports ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº in upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and assuring the integrity of the research process. The Committee coordinates the investigation of alleged research misconduct. It also oversees the development and implementation of a Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Training Program at the University.
The purpose of the Committee is to review policies and facilities to ensure a quality residential experience for students living on campus and adequate registers of off-campus accommodations.
The University Safety Committee carries out a number of functions relative to overall university safety, including, but not limited to, periodically reviewing safety policies and protocols for departments across all university campuses, conducting assorted inspections, and overseeing other matters affecting university safety.
The Student Empowerment & Resilience Team provides a coordinated process for identifying and addressing matters related to individual student persistence.
The Student Life Assessment & Retention Committee is charged with the oversight of division wide assessment practices and our efforts to improve effectiveness and targeted retention/persistence initiatives and is a subcommittee of the University Effectiveness Council.
The functions of this Committee are to serve as advisors to the Student Government Association (SGA); to be represented at SGA Congress meetings by the Vice President for Student Life or his designee; to review all proposed amendments and revisions to the SGA Constitution; to exercise a veto on such amendments and revisions by two-thirds veto; to consider all requests for establishment of new student club or organizations; and to serve as advisors to the Campus Activities Board (CAB).
The Student Research Committee is committed to improving
Student engagement in research.
The committee provides guidance on sustainability issues relative to the physical operations of the University (e.g., recycling, energy consumption, etc.).
The Teaching Resource Center (TRC) Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Wiggins Memorial Library TRC. Members representing multiple areas of campus will serve as ambassadors for the Teaching Resource Center’s collections and programming.
³È×ÓӰԺ’s Title IX regulations have been under review in anticipation of the new 2024 federal regulations. This includes the appeal process for Title IX decisions. The Title IX Hearing Appeals Committee listed here in AY 2023-24 will be discontinued to provide consistency with the appeals process utilized in the Student Code of Conduct. As such, the Executive Appeals Committee will now also hear Title IX appeals.
The Traffic Appeal Committee will hear student appeals of parking violations that occur on the campus of the University.
This Committee meets as needed to hear proposals forwarded by the Study Abroad Committee for high risk travel, such as travel to locations on the Centers for Disease Control and State Department Alerts and Warnings List.
The committee considers the delivery and ongoing evaluation of undergraduate academic advisement in order to promote effective practices.
The University Curriculum Council is responsible for making recommendations relative to the academic curriculum of the University, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional. Its areas of responsibility include: advise and counsel on courses, program revisions, additions, or deletions, degree additions or deletions, graduation requirements, review of catalogs, etc.
The committee reviews the University’s compliance with ADA and Section 504 and makes recommendations to enhance the educational experience of students with disabilities on our campuses.
The University Effectiveness Council shall provide oversight to the planning and assessment processes of the University. It shall conduct an annual review of these processes, and coordinate an annual update of the University’s Planning and Assessment Manual.