Student Stories

2019 Student Ambassadors

The Office of Study Abroad Alumni Ambassador Program recruits Campbell students who wish to share their study abroad experiences and encourage other students to study abroad. Ambassadors speak at student events and Visitation Days and welcome emails with questions about study abroad.

Jade Baldwin

Psychology Major
Summer 2018 鈥 Psychology & Culture in Europe
"I never had the privilege of leaving the U.S. before I studied abroad. It was honestly one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. Studying the history of Psychology, where it was founded, definitely made me geek out a bit, but also helped me grasp a deeper understanding of topics in Psychology. This trip also made me feel so encouraged and driven to keep traveling abroad and learning more about cultures from around the world. I left the trip feeling a strong sense of independence about traveling and eager to get back on another plane."

Kellie Beam

Biology Pre-Med Major + Chemistry Minor & Honors Interdisciplinary Studies Minor
Summer 2018 鈥 Ecology & Culture in Hawaii/Summer 2019 鈥 Global Health and Biomedical Ethics in Costa Rica
鈥淢y experiences in Hawaii and Costa Rica were very different, yet I learned so much through each one. One thing I learned in both places, was that no matter where you are there are things to learn all around you. No matter the language barrier or cultural differences, the lessons learned from others can end up meaning the most to you later in life. Whether it鈥檚 your host mom telling you she loved you each morning before school, or observing the calm, serene traditions of the native Hawaiians, the memories from these experiences last much longer than when you step on that plane to come home.鈥

Amanda Brechko

Biology Pre-Med Major with a Chemistry and Honors Interdisciplinary Studies Double Minor
Summer 2019 - Global Health & Biomedical Ethics in Costa Rica
鈥淚 was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to travel abroad in Costa Rica. Experiencing the way of life in places much different from home offers so much perspective. My experience in Costa Rica was unforgettable! While I learned Spanish and also more about the healthcare system, the goal of this program, I learned so much more than that. The world is full of so many different cultures, traditions, and people. Learning is never-ending when being in a new place. I will forever cherish this experience and encourage everyone to study abroad!鈥

Benjamin Britt

Biology Major
Summer 2019 鈥 Faculty-Led: Global Health and Biomedical Ethics, Costa Rica
鈥淗aving the opportunity to study abroad in a foreign country really opens your eyes to how big and broad the world is. In a three-week program, I managed to learn more about Costa Rica than I ever could have in a classroom. Being present and apart of the culture, living with them, experiencing their way of life, and being able to study healthcare from not only our perspective but their perspective as well, was all such an amazing experience. Being abroad afforded me opportunities I could not find here, and has really influenced the way I think. It was such an amazing experience and I am looking forward to what is next!鈥

Casey Cabaniss

Christian Studies major with a concentration in Youth Ministry
Summer 2019 鈥 Faculty-Led: A Journey of Artists, Saints, Heroes & Heretics, Italy & Germany
鈥淏y studying abroad, I was able to see and live in places I was learning about, and it was so much more enriching than reading from a textbook. I strengthened friendships I already had and formed new bonds, while learning so much about myself that I had not expected to. I gained confidence in all the ways I was growing in my faith, in cross-cultural interactions, and in my independence. I surprised myself with what joys come from being open to trying new things! I am so thankful for my experience and encourage everyone to get outside of his or her comfort zone and go on this adventure!鈥

Sarah Gallagher

Pharmaceutical Science with a Health communications & Honors interdisciplinary studies minor
Summer 2019 - Religion and Culture in Italy & Germany
"Studying Abroad was one of my favorite things I have done through Campbell. Spending time in places like Italy and Germany was a dream come true for me, especially Italy. I was able to see some incredible things during my time abroad such as Michelangelo's David, the Vatican, and the Roman Colosseum. This was an amazing experience, and because of it I learned so much more about the world and myself as well."

Brigid Kearns

Biology Pre-Med Major
Summer 2019 鈥 Global Health and Biomedical Ethics in Costa Rica
鈥淚t wasn鈥檛 a dream and it wasn鈥檛 a vacation, rather it was an invaluable opportunity to step out of my worldview into someone else鈥檚. I learned a lot about communicating with a language barrier and finding common ground with strangers whose lives seemed to differ vastly from my own. Beyond the academics, the experience of diving into the culture of a foreign land was not at all, what I expected, but I think it was something that I needed.鈥

Kendall Poythress

Pharmaceutical Science Major with a Chemistry, Biology & Honors minor
Summer 2019 鈥 Religion and Culture in Italy & Germany
鈥淚 had a wonderful time studying abroad in Italy and Germany! In just two weeks, I got to see some of the world's wonders and interact with people from different cultures. I learned so much about Christian history, the European lifestyle, and myself while I was overseas. I also enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone by trying new foods and speaking another language. I definitely want to travel again soon, and I encourage all college students to consider an adventure abroad!鈥

Aaron Schnoor

Trust and Wealth Management Major
Summer 2018 鈥 Central College Work Placement Program in London, UK
鈥淪pending a summer in London with Central College鈥檚 dual study/intern program was a major step outside of my comfort zone, but the experience proved to be one of the most worthwhile decisions I have made at Campbell. The program allowed me to study and explore British culture, and it allowed me to intern with an investment firm in the heart of London. I made lifelong friends at my internship, many of whom I still stay in touch with. I loved every minute of the opportunity to study abroad, and I hope to travel abroad again soon."

Michelle Vazquez

Biology Pre-Public Health Major
Summer 2019 鈥 Faculty-Led: Global Health and Biomedical Ethics, Costa Rica
鈥淚 was initially interested in this program because I was a pre-med major, and I wanted to enhance my knowledge about the health system in Costa Rica since they are successful in that area. I went into this experience believing I would only learn about the course, but living there, even for a short time, gave me so much insight into other areas of my life! I believe a person鈥檚 wellness comes in the form of many dimensions 鈥 physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. so being in a new environment with people from different backgrounds allowed me to assess myself by learning through others. I had the opportunity to volunteer at an Education and Nutrition center for underprivileged kids in rural Costa Rica. This experience led me to the realization that I want to make an impact with my career on a more communal level like Public Health. The tranquil attitude of the Costa Rican people has left a lasting impression on me in my interaction with peers. Before the trip, I was a more nervous and awkward person, but returning, I have continued to pursue a path of assertiveness and comfortability within myself.鈥

Kasey White

Pharmaceutical Science Major
Spring 2019 鈥 API Independent Study to Scotland
鈥淢y experience abroad was the best five months ever!!! I learned so much about myself and whom God has made me to be. It was so cool being able to walk 10 minutes and be at a castle or the bottom of a mountain. It was amazing; I fell in love with Edinburgh and I would go back in a heartbeat. If given the chance to go abroad ever again I would without a doubt.鈥