Form 1098-T Tuition Statement
The IRS requires the University to issue Form 1098-T, “Tuition Payments Statement,” to each student by Jan. 31. Form 1098-T is an information tax document to aid taxpayers in determining whether they are eligible to claim a tax deduction or one of the education tax credits on their federal income tax return. Form 1098-T is NOT to be filed with a tax return. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult a tax professional regarding eligibility of tax deductions and/or the education tax credit. For security reasons, the 1098-T will NOT be emailed.
Important Dates
1098-T forms will be available online through Self-Service before the Jan. 31 mailing deadline.
Students wishing to receive the form electronically should give consent via Self-Service. Please allow 10 days for arrival/delivery of 1098-Ts that are mailed to students. It is imperative that mailing addresses are updated prior to January 1 to prevent delays in receiving a mailed 1098-T.
Current Students: How to access your Form 1098-T
Current students who consented to receive the 1098-T form electronically, may access the form via Self-Service, then select Tax Information.Google Chrome is the recommended browser for accessing the 1098-T.
- Click on Tax Information
- Choose 1098 Information (gray bar under ‘Tax Information’)
- 1098 Statements will be listed in order of tax year
- Click on the year for the form you need
Former Students: How to obtain your 1098-T
For students who no longer attend ӰԺ, 1098-T forms will be mailed to the student’s home address on file no later than January 31. Students no longer attending the university who require an additional copy of their 1098-T form will need to send an email to from their ӰԺ email. Students must include their student ID# in the request. Please do NOT email your social security number. Students may also visit the Bursar’s Office in person at the McLeod Admissions and Financial Aid Building. Students must present a picture ID issued by a governmental agency. For security reasons, the 1098-T cannot be emailed to any email address.
How to give consent to receive the 1098-T electronically
Electronic Consent is required to view the 1098-T form electronically. Please follow the steps below to consent and sign up to receive your 1098-T form electronically. Current students may access this option via Self-Service. Google Chromeis the recommended browser for accessing the 1098-T.
- Click on Tax Information
- Choose 1098 Information (gray bar under ‘Tax Information’)
- Your current preference will be indicated by the green button to the left of the preference
- To change preferences, click on the appropriate option, then SAVE at the bottom right
- By consenting to receive the 1098-T in electronic format, you will have access to view and print all prior, current and future 1098-T statements until you change your consent. You may remove consent for an electronic statement at any time.
- Withholding consent indicates, you choose to receive the 1098-T in paper format and understand you have the ability to change your consent to receive the 1098-T electronically at any time.
Information Reported
On the Form 1098-T, we report the name, social security number, and address of students, and indicate whether they were a graduate student and/or at least half-time during the calendar year. If you qualify for an educational credit, you should use your personal records and student account activity statements to determine the amounts that you actually paid toward the charges reported on the 1098-T.
Effective calendar year 2018, federal regulations changed which required colleges and universities to adjust reporting methods. Please note the changes beside their respective box codes.
Box Codes
Box 1: Includes “payments” received for qualified tuition and related expenses. For 2018 and later, Box 1 includes scholarships and grants included in Box 5, cash receipts, payments, student refunds and financial aid loan payments. *Box 1 will always be empty for tax years before 2018.
Box 2: Will be blank for tax years 2018 and subsequent years. *Prior to 2018, Box 2 contained amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses.
Box 3: This is a check box for a change of reporting method. For the 2018 tax year, Box 3 will be checked due to the mandatory IRS change in reporting method.
Box 4: Adjustments made for a prior year – Amounts Billed, is the amount of current year adjustments for qualified tuition and related expenses billed to a student’s account for a previous tax year.
Box 5: Scholarships and grants transmitted to the student account for the current tax year.
Box 6: Adjustments to scholarships and grants for a prior year that were disbursed to the student account in the current tax year.
Box 7: In 2018 and later, Box 7 is checked if any portion of the payment amount in Box 1 is for an academic period beginning January through March of the following tax year.
Box 8: Is checked if the student is enrolled more than half-time in any enrollment period during the current tax year.
Box 9: Checked if the student is enrolled in any course for graduate credit.
Box 10: Reimbursements or refunds under an Insurance Contract is used by insurance companies, and will not be reported by ӰԺ.
More Information
Our office cannot provide any tax advice, only confirm and explain what we have reported. For more information about your ability to claim a tax deduction or tax credit, contact a tax professional. Also, good resources for information on this topic include the Internal Revenue Service’s web site at and IRS , “Tax Benefits for Education.”
If you did not receive your 1098-T, you can find a copy in Self-Service, Tax Information by selecting “1098-T Information”, then accessing the correct tax year form.
If additional information is needed, please email and include your Student ID# in the email. Do NOT email your social security number. For security reasons, the 1098-T will not be emailed.
Social Security Number Information
Social Security Number (SSN) Corrections
The IRS requires the student’s social security number be printed on 1098-T forms. If the number printed on your form is incorrect, please present your social security card to the Office of International Admissions. This documentation is required in order to update the social security number that the University has on file. The deadline to submit the correct social security number is July 15. The corrected 1098-T form will not be issued until August.
International Students
The majority of international students are *NOT* eligible to claim education expense tax credits on their federal tax forms since, as international students, they do not meet one of these categories:
- U.S. citizen
- Permanent resident (P.R.)
- Married to a citizen or P.R.
- Can legally be claimed as a dependent by a U.S. citizen or P.R.
- Have been in the United States long enough to file taxes as a resident for federal tax purposes
Only students in these categories above can claim tax deductions or education tax credits and use the 1098-T. If you are an international student, the University will not file a 1098-T form on your behalf unless you have an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) or SSN on your student record. The deadline to provide the ITIN or SSN is Jan. 15. Please complete Parts I and III (enter your 7-digit Student ID under “Tuition account number” in Part III) of the and return it to the Office of International Admissions in person, by fax or by mail, using the contact information below. For security reasons, please do not send the completed form by email.
Regular Mail:
International Admissions
Post Office Box 249
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Courier Mail:
International Admissions
40 T.T. Lanier Street
Buies Creek NC 27506
The Bursar’s Office will coordinate with the Office of International Admissions to issue a W9S requesting a correct SSN, if the one on file is missing (or incorrect according to the IRS). If you receive one from our office, please complete it and return it to the Office of International Admissions in person or via the fax number on the form.