³È×ÓÓ°Ôº Reduction or Cancellation of Athletic Financial Aid
The 2023/2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Bylaws state the following: Reduction, Cancellation or Nonrenewal Permitted. [A]
Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability awarded to an individual other than an undergraduate four-year transfer who receives or is issued athletically related financial aid in the academic year of initial, full-time enrollment at the certifying institution may be reduced or canceled during the period of the award or reduced or not renewed for the following academic year or years of the student-athlete’s five-year period of eligibility if the recipient: (Revised: 1/10/92, 1/11/94, 1/10/95, 1/9/96, 12/13/05, 9/11/07, 8/7/14, 1/17/15 effective 8/1/15, 6/19/18 effective 10/15/18, 11/14/22, 1/11/23)
(a) Is rendered ineligible for intercollegiate competition based on the recipient’s action or inaction;
(b) Fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, letter of intent or financial aid agreement (see Bylaw;
(c) Engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty, as determined by the institution’s regular student disciplinary authority;
(d) Voluntarily (on the recipient’s own initiative) withdraws from a sport at any time for personal reasons; however, the recipient’s financial aid may not be awarded to another student-athlete in the academic term in which the aid is reduced or canceled;
(e) Violates a nonathletically related condition outlined in the financial aid agreement or violates a documented institutional rule or policy (e.g., academics policies or standards, athletics department or team rules or policies); or
(f) Provides written notification of transfer (see Bylaw to the institution; however, the student-athlete’s financial aid may not be reduced or canceled until the end of the regular academic term in which written notification of transfer is received. If a student-athlete provides written notification of transfer to the institution between regular academic terms (winter break, summer break) the institution may reduce or cancel the financial aid immediately. Timing of Reduction or Cancellation. [A]
Any reduction or cancellation of aid during the period of the award may occur only after the student-athlete has been provided an opportunity for a hearing per Bylaw (other than as permitted in Bylaw (Adopted: 5/15/07, Revised: 4/23/08, 8/7/14) Reduction or Cancellation Not Permitted — During the Period of the Award. [A]
Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability may not be reduced or canceled during the period of its award: (Adopted: 1/16/93, Revised: 1/11/94, 12/11/07, 1/14/08, 8/7/14, 1/17/15 effective 8/1/15)
(a) On the basis of a student-athlete’s athletics ability, performance or contribution to a team’s success;
(b) Because of an injury, illness, or physical or mental medical condition (except as permitted pursuant to Bylaw; or
(c) For any other athletics reason. Hearing Opportunity. [A]
The institution’s regular financial aid authority shall notify the student-athlete in writing of the opportunity for a hearing when institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability is to be reduced or canceled during the period of the award, or is reduced or not renewed for the following academic year or years. The institution shall have established reasonable procedures for promptly hearing such a request and shall not delegate the responsibility for conducting the hearing to the university’s athletics department or its faculty athletics committee. The written notification of the opportunity for a hearing shall include a copy of the institution’s established policies and procedures for conducting the required hearing, including the deadline by which a student-athlete must request such a hearing. (Revised: 1/9/06 effective 8/1/06, 4/3/07, 4/23/08, 8/7/14)
Forms Used for Documentation:
- Compliance Assistant, GIA Spreadsheets from Compliance, Non-Renewal Letters, and Graduation.
Individuals and Departments Involved:
- Head Coach
- Student-athlete
- Compliance Office
- Financial Aid Office
- The Financial Aid office will administer and monitor any reduction/cancellation as well as the renewal/non-renewal of all athletically related financial aid.
- The removal or reduction of athletically related financial aid will be governed per the NCAA bylaws listed above.
- The Office of Compliance notifies the Financial Aid office that the student’s aid is cancelled during the academic year. The student will be notified via email by the Financial Aid office.
- Student-athletes who have been recipients of an athletic scholarship and for whom the Athletic Department has chosen not to renew or has chosen to reduce the amount may appeal the decision to the Financial Aid Committee.
- Appeal requests must be made in written form by the student-athlete to the Director of Financial Aid within 14 calendar days from the date of their reduction/cancellation notification letter.
- The Financial Aid office receives notification from the Compliance office which student-athletes will require a reduction or cancellation letter.
- The Financial Aid office notifies the student-athlete via ARMS communication, informing him/her that the athletics department is recommending an athletic grant-in-aid reduction/cancellation.
- Student-athletes wishing to appeal Athletic’s decision must submit their appeal letter in writing to the Financial Aid Office within 14 calendar days of receipt of the notification which informed them of the reduction or cancellation.
- Upon receipt of an appeal request, the Financial Aid office immediately notifies the Head Coach, Compliance staff, and the Deputy Athletic Director. The Athletics Department is then responsible for submitting documentation to the Financial Aid Office within 14 calendar days of receipt of the notification in which the department was informed that the student-athlete has begun the appeal process.
- After the 14-calendar day window for both the student-athlete and Athletic Department, the Financial Aid Office will form an Appeal Committee and produce a final decision based on the information provided.
- The Financial Aid committee will notify the student-athlete as well as the Athletic Department and Compliance office in writing of the committees’ decision within 2 business days of the appeal hearing.