Computer & Network Use Policy
³È×ÓÓ°Ôº, hereinafter referred to as CAMPBELL, maintains a private network with connectivity to the INTERNET, a public/global network. CAMPBELL exercises no control over the content of the INTERNET and therefore will maintain appropriate precautions to prevent unauthorized transmissions into Campbell’s private network. Those with valid CAMPBELL network service accounts, hereinafter referred to as USERS, are expected to abide by all current and future policies/guidelines deemed necessary and prudent. These guidelines will be made publicly accessible, either through printed or electronic media. This policy is intended to do the following:
- Preserve the utility and flexibility of the system.
- Protect the privacy and work of students, faculty, and staff.
- Preserve the right of CAMPBELL to access global networks in order to facilitate the goals of the CAMPBELL educational system.
Network Connectivity
USERS requiring network connectivity will request such from authorized Information Technology Services personnel. Personal computer systems (desktop systems owned by Campbell) will be reviewed and audited before such network connectivity is granted. Only systems with compliant hardware and software will be granted connectivity. Hardware and Software in development stages (known commonly as alpha or Beta versions) may not be used without written notification to Information Technology Services Department and subsequent approval. Upon request of the Information Technology Services personnel, hardware and software believed to be causing problems must be removed. Contact Information Technology Services personnel for further clarification.
General Usage Policy
- Faculty, staff, students and others with CAMPBELL authorized accounts may use the available computing facilities, including transmissions of data for scholarly purposes, official CAMPBELL business, and for personal purposes so long as such use:
- Does not violate any law or University policy.
- Does not involve significant use of University resources, direct costs, or substantial interference with the performance of University duties /work. The use of peer-to-peer file sharing applications on ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº computing resources is strictly prohibited.
- Does not result in commercial gain or private profit.
- Does not bring discredit to the CAMPBELL establishment.
- All USERS are expected to preserve the integrity of the CAMPBELL network by prohibiting any person from sharing personal passwords or sharing personal accounts. It is the USERS’ responsibility to report any unauthorized use and protect their accounts from such use by changing their passwords periodically and using passwords which have the following requirements:
- Minimum of six characters.
- Combination of upper and lower case letters, or
- Combination of letters and numbers.
- Owners of an account are responsible for actions that occur from that account.
- Any attempt to circumvent system security, guess others’ passwords, or in any manner gain unauthorized access to CAMPBELL or INTERNET resources is prohibited.
- Transferring copyrighted materials to or from any system or via the CAMPBELL network without express consent of the owner may be a violation of Federal Law and is a felony under State Law. Such violations will be subject to case-by-case review and may result in censure, removal of network access, or reported to pertinent authorities.
- Use of electronic mail and other network communications facilities to harass, offend, or annoy other USERS of the network is prohibited.
- Due to limited network resources, the use of CAMPBELL network facilities for playing graphics-based interactive games is prohibited.
CamelNet Connection Privilege Agreement
The Internet connection in University Housing is provided as a privilege, not a right. It is your responsibility to adhere to all University policies. The network facilities are for the use of ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº students, faculty /staff, and are only for educational, academic, research and business purposes of the University. ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº reserves the right to alter access, availability of access, and the terms of this agreement at any time for any reason.
I understand that I may not use any software or hardware designed to disrupt the security of the campus network or any devices attached to the network. Likewise, I understand that I may not engage in any activities designed to interrupt or intercept the network traffic of other users.
I understand that I may not use University resources to support personal business interest.
I understand that I may not sell or provide access to ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº networks to outside sources.
I will respect the priority of academic use of the network.
I will not use my connection to engage in software piracy, copyright infringement, e-mail abuse, other illegal activities, or profit ventures. Any known abuse may be investigated by law enforcement officials.
I understand that I may not activate any type of shared file service or access to my personal computer by anyone other than myself.
I understand I am personally responsible for any activities originating from my PC/network connection.
I understand that I am responsible for my personal computer’s hardware and software.
I understand that ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº assumes no liability for data loss or equipment damage pursuant to my use of the data port. Precautions for natural disasters are my responsibility.
I understand that the use of the University information resources on campus are governed by the policies and regulations as outlined in this document, and those regarding student conduct found in the Student Handbook. Violations of these regulations will be reported to the appropriate dean and/or department, with appropriate disciplinary action to be taken.
If I have a reason to believe another user(s) or group(s) of users is interfering with access to the network, I will report the problem to the Dean of Students. ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº administrators will investigate and, if necessary, take corrective action.
³È×ÓÓ°Ôº reserves the right to monitor traffic through my data connection for the purpose of checking compliance with this agreement.
By connecting my computer to the CamelNet network, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above.
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