Important Forms

Below is a list of important forms to help the student along their educational journey. All forms are in a type-accessible PDF file format, that can be filled in and *esigned on the computer. Please fill out the form you desire and email it to the Registrar’s Office.

**PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to fill out or sign the form in your browser, you may need to download the form to your computer and fill it out**

听– Student will need to fill in the form on the computer, esign the document, email to advisor esign/approve and submit to the Registrar’s Office. *Please note if you are an athlete your Athletics Academic Advisor will need to esign as well.

– To add a minor, student will need to fill out the form, esign the document & have advisor esign/approve and submit to the Registrar’s Office. To drop, only the student needs to esign and submit to Registrar’s Office. *Please note if you are an athlete your Athletics Academic Advisor will need to esign as well.

– Student & advisor will need to esign/approve the form and submit to Registrar’s Office. *Please note if you are an athlete your Athletics Academic Advisor will need to esign as well.

– Student will need to fill out, advisor esign/approve and then instructor completes and submits the form to the Registrar’s Office

– Student and advisors for both areas must esign/approve the form and then submit to the Registrar’s Office. *Please note if you are an athlete your Athletics Academic Advisor will need to esign as well and submitted to Registrar’s Office.

Also known as the FERPA release form, this form can be completed on any electronic device using your student log in and password. Please see this link for further information on FERPA.

– (formerly Name and Address Change) Web form filled out by the student and click submit to send to the Registrar’s Office. *Please note: Graduating seniors, if you need to update your diploma mailing address only please email Melissa McLamb

– Filled out by the student and esigned by the advisor and instructor to Drop or Add a course and submit to the Registrar’s Office. Please see this link for more information if you need to complete a University Withdrawal or to temporarily separate from the university.

– Filled out by the student and esigned/approved by the Department Chair, Dean and then submit to the Registrar’s Office.

听– *MUST be submitted and approved PRIOR to enrolling at another school* Filled out by the student, and e-signed/approved by the advisor or Department Chair of the course you are transferring to Campbell and submit to the Registrar’s Office.

– Filled out by student and e-signed/approved by advisor, Department Chair and Dean, then submit to Registrar’s Office.

Once a signature is created, it may be used on all future Adobe PDF documents.